Teacher | 中文姓名 | 老师简介 |
An, Ann | 安琼茜 | 安琼茜 ,本科毕业于杭州师范大学美术学院,油画专业。研究生毕业于英国Loughborough University 艺术设计学院, 插画和动画设计专业。安琼茜老师热爱美术教育,从事美术基础教育工作17年,积攒了丰富的教学经验。为人和善,有耐心,对课堂教学认真积极负责。在光华执教9年中,得到学生和家长的认可。教学内容:儿童绘画,线描,素描,卡通画。 |
Bryan Xu | 许郅晗 | Bryan Xu is a sophomore at Central Bucks (“CB”) South High School and a current member of the CB South football team. He started to learn (tackle) football when he was in 5th grade. He was in the Lenape Valley football team for four years before he joined the school football team. He wants to share his love for football with more children and has gained valuable coaching experience working with young players. He served as a teaching assistant for the football class at Guanghua last year, and co-organized two seminars to promote this exciting activity. During the summer of 2023 he helped with the one-week summer camp at Guanghua. In addition, he worked as one of the main coaches providing fun summer football training sessions for a group of kids in the local community. This class is designed to provide knowledge of general rules and fundamental techniques of American football while ensuring fun for younger players |
Cai, Chenlin | 蔡陈林老师,先后于清华大学美术学院和宾夕法尼亚美术学院并分别获得绘画硕士学位。蔡老师从2004年开始从事艺术教学工作,也曾于北京创办艺术培训机构。所教授的学生群体广泛分布于多个年龄段。因此在教学上能根据学生的需求和兴趣来制定课程内容。蔡老师课堂授课风格比较生动有趣,擅长调动学生积极性。蔡老师曾在纽约和费城举办多次个人画展,作品被广泛收藏。同时蔡老师在中国和美国都创作了众多的公共壁画作品,包括费城中国城150周年庆典的大楼壁画项目。近期将会提供壁画实践机会给光华的学子们来参与。 | |
Chao, Yang | 晁杨 | Yang Chao/晁阳, 北京大学物理学学士,波士顿大学生物物理博士。热爱数学。中学时期曾多次在各类数学竞赛中获奖。自2018年在光华教授两门课外数学课AMC 8/Mathcounts 和 AMC10/12。 希望帮助在美国学习的小朋友 们发掘数学潜力, 提高数学水平。 |
Chen, Yifeng | 陈易风 | Yifeng Chen, 陈易风,was a lecturer in Soochow University for 10 years. She’s been teaching Chinese in various Chinese schools since year of 2005. She taught “中文”, “马立平”, “美洲华语”. |
Cheng, Emily /Zhang, Alan | Emily Cheng: playing tennis for 5 years. Trained under previous pro Mark Groetsch. She is in the varsity tennis team at middle and high school. She also teach kids at Doylestown tennis club. She is patient, experienced and works well with kids of different ages and levels. Alan is 13 years old and has been a student of Guanghua for 8 years. He has been playing tennis for 2 years and trained in a few local Tennis Clubs including Doylestown Tennis club, Frog Hollows and Team Shark. He recently won the championship at a U14 tennis tournament. | |
Dai, Susanna | Susanna is a sophomore at Central Bucks East High School. At a young age, she first developed her passion for math. Over the last several years, she took several math and problem solving classes at Guanghua, including CML, MathCounts, and AMC10. She participated in the MATHCOUNTS BuxMont chapter competition in 2020 and finished in the top 10. Now she is teaching Elementary Math and MathCounts Beginner and hopes to pass on her knowledge to younger students. | |
Fan, Huijun | 樊惠筠 | 中国法学硕士毕业,后取得美国计算机硕士学位,现从事IT项目管理工作。自2011加入光华中文学校以来,在任教十年中曾执教六年级到九年级的马立平课程,任三届九年级毕业班教师。自2016年起,开始教授 AP中文。樊老师对应AP中文考试特点选择适当的教材,采用恰当的教学形式、方法和手段,实行启发式教学,做到因材施教,重点突出,难点、疑点处理恰当。 |
Fang, Rayne | 方姝润 | 方姝润从5岁开始学习绘画,学习了很多不同的画法,包括丙烯画、彩铅、素描、油画、水彩、国画、等等。2019年获得了Jane Harrington 艺术学术奖学金。2022年获得了所在学校Middle School Art Award。她的多幅绘画作品在今年获得了美国青少年艺术大赛的全国银奖和地区金奖。另外她在今年的全国鱼类艺术比赛中获得了宾州赛区的第一名。她也是Ann An老师执教的光华2022-2023绘画班的助教兼代课老师。 |
Fei, Mengmeng | 费萌萌 | 费萌萌:会计本科。高级会计师 。中文基础好,普通话标准。2010年在佛罗里达华根中文学校任教五年级中文。自2019年起在光华中文学校担任马立平学前班老师,至今已经带过五个K班,积累了很多宝贵经验。本人热爱和孩子们在一起的中文教学工作,注重孩子们的朗读和听写。致力于从基础开始建立孩子们学习中文的习惯和兴趣,讲究笔画笔顺,正确发音,尽最大力量帮助孩子们从小学好中文。 |
Gao, Guangyu | 高光宇 | 建筑工程专业学习背景和工作经历。自2009年开始在光华中文学校执教。主要教授马力平系列教材。 |
Guo, Chuxi | 郭楚夕 | 郭楚夕老师毕业于中央美术学院雕塑系本科,马里兰艺术学院雕塑系研究生,现在为职业艺术家,从事雕塑和影像艺术创作,在画廊及艺术中心从事展览策展布展工作等。 |
Huang, Siyu | 黄思雨 | Siyu Huang graduated from Xi’an conservatory of Music and taught voice at Teachers Department there afterwards. She also studied with Zhilan Gao, a renowned vocal professor at Shanghai Conservatory of Music. She came to US to continue her education and studied with Professor Christine Anderson at Temple University’s Boyer College of Music, and obtained her Master’s Degree of vocal performance. She serves Chinese community as a soloist and recitalist in Philadelphia metropolitan area. She is the music director and choral conductor of China Grace Christian church locates in Blue Bell, PA for more than 10 years. In 2008 she established “Siyu Huang Vocal Studio” and has taught voice since. She also taught in Guanghua Chinese School and Philadelphia Chinese Center. |
Jiao, Grace | 焦钰祺 | Grace is a 10th grade student at North Penn High School. *Being a private English tutor since 2020: student ages 5-7; used Chinese to teach English; managed tutoring schedule; organized projects & activities; worked with children one-on-one and taught writing, speaking, pronunciation, as well as culture. *Teaching 2D and 3D Graphic Design as a volunteer teacher (3yr experience): Managed a multi-aged class of people; kept the class organized; guided students with projects; managed communication with students as well as parents/ guardians. *Being a teacher assistant since 2021: Kept the class organized and well managed; graded homework and tests; helped the teacher with teaching Chinese; substituted for teacher when teacher was absent; helped organized events. *ACTIVITIES: Art crew, National Junior Honor Society (NJHS), Student Council, Art Club, NPHS Tennis, Playing the Viola, Figure Skating. |
Lao, Rita | Rita老师在光华中文学校执教4年。教授课程: 学前班到四年级。暑假期间,教过一年级/二年级复习班,二年级到三年级加强班。 | |
Li, Bei | 李蓓 | 李蓓,毕业于北京广播学院(中国传媒大学)国际新闻专业和北京大学国际关系学院当代国际关系专业,获得文学学士和法学硕士学位。长期工作于新闻传媒行业,具有深厚的中文功底和中国文学修养,并获得普通话一级甲等证书。热爱中文教学,愿意尽自己所能,帮助海外华裔青少年学好中文,传承中国传统文化之美。 |
Li, Daniel | Daniel Li is a rising sophomore at Julia R. Masterman School. He is an active member of the math club, robotics team and student government. He enjoys teaching chess at GuangHua Chinese School. He has been involved with MathCounts since elementary school and started participating in MathCounts competitions in 6th grade. In 2019, he placed first at the Philadelphia Chapter Competition and top 25 at the Pennsylvania State Competition. He wants to share his passion for math with other kids and help them prepare for MathCounts competitions. | |
Li, Kevin | 励奕楷 | Li, Kevin/励奕楷, Kevin is a rising 9th grader and an expert level chess player that has been playing chess for over 9 years. Some of his chess accomplishments are Winning the 2021 PA State Scholastic Chess Championship K-8 section, being co-champion for the 2019 PA State Scholastic Chess Championship K-6 section, and so on. He is currently ranked top 50 in the country for his age group and ranked top 100 in the PA state. He loves to share his knowledge on chess and looks forward to teaching students. |
Liang,Selena | 梁月怡 | 梁月怡从3岁开始学习舞蹈,5岁开始参加舞蹈大赛。搬到宾州后,加入DTTM (Dance To The Music), 学习了很多不同的舞种,包括芭蕾,现代,爵士,踢踏,街舞,等等。从2015年开始被选入DTTM的竞赛团队,每年参加多个舞蹈比赛,屡获大奖。她的独舞在2022 年On Stage America地区比赛新泽西赛区赢得现代舞第一名,全国比赛第三名。2016开始师从周琳老师,学习中国古典舞和中国民族舞,多次代表光华中文学校参加演出和比赛。今年带领光华舞蹈团在Star Power新泽西赛区,取得三人舞高分第五名,群舞高分第二名的好成绩。 |
Lin, Min | 林敏 | 毕业于费城Drexel大学机械系。曽从事机械设计,网站设计和数据管理。自2014年任教光华,起始于学前班,第一轮学生们已在2023年6月份毕业,完成了在光华10年的学习生涯。从2024年9月份开始,林老师将继续执教2年级的学生。 林老师注重因材施教,加固薄落环节,上课形式生动有趣、活泼多样化。鼓励、引导同学们上课开动脑筋、积极发言、 独立思考、认真学习、同学间友爱互助、共同进步, 并激发同学们潜在的学习、领导能力。在教课互动中,同时提供同学们更多的锻炼机会,以助于在学校的各种比赛中取得好成绩。 |
Lin, Selina | 林佳莹 | Selina Lin is a rising junior at Lower Moreland High School. She has participated in various clubs and activities at her school, and she has been in many different positions where public speaking skills come in handy. She first learned about how to debate in middle school and has since then experienced debate in many different settings, from informal classroom debates in middle school to competitive policy debates in high school. As an active member of her school’s mock trial team, a secretary in her school’s student government, and a captain of her school’s Mini-THON, she understands the importance of being an example for others and hopes to help her students build character, develop leadership skills, and gain confidence about public speaking and debating in this class. |
Liu, Jianying | 刘剑颖 | 中文教学经历: 1)2001年9月至2006年6月任教于新泽西华夏中文学校中部和蒙哥马利分校,曾教《标准中文》八年级、九年级 (2001~2004) 及马立平教材 (2004~2006) 二年级。 2)从2006年9月开始任教于我们的光华中文学校至今已16年。曾教:《中文》八年级,九年级(2006~2009); 及马立平中文教材二年级、三年级和四年级 (小循环已数轮, 2009~至今)。 教学特点: 注重学生朗读训练,注重提高学生的中文阅读能力, 语言表达能力和中文识字水平。逐渐增加学生对中国历史传统文化的了解。尽量做到课堂趣味教学,激发学生学习中文的兴趣和培养每天坚持学习中文的良好习惯。曾获中国国务院侨办颁发的“海外华文教师优秀奖”和全美中文学校协会颁发的“优秀教师奖”。 |
Lou, Tao | 娄涛 | Tao Lou was born and attended schools in Beijing, China and speaks Mandrin Chinese (standard Putonghua). After earned her master's degree in United States, she has been working in financial services industry and well communicated with customers in English. She is exciting to help students learn Chinese and will teach CES 6. |
Lu, Yi | 吕毅 | 医学学士,美国 IT 硕士。2011 开始从事中文教学,就职于两所周末中文学校,并于 2014 年开设 私立学校中文课后班并授课至今。曾为其中的一所中文学校高年级开设网课。担任 Academic specialist for on-line classes并培训网课老师。是马立平教材认证教师。曾受本地小学和中学邀请做 Guest Speakers on Chinese Culture。 2017 年加入光华中文学校。曾教授过的教材&年级:《马立平中文》学前班、一年级、九年级。 《美洲华语》六年级、七年级。《阳阳中文》六年级、七年级。《朗朗中文》和《说说唱唱学中 文》等教材。 |
Mei, David | David Mei is a concert pianist and a piano teacher. Playing piano reduces stress and anxiety, improvies memory and emotional intelligence, and enhances creativity. | |
Meng, Johnny | 孟令伟 | Johnny Meng is currently an 11th grade student at North Penn High School, and he is a passionate musician. Having played piano for many years, he has taken lessons from multiple renowned pianists and has plenty of experience with the techniques, music theory knowledge, and discipline needed to play the instrument well. Johnny has taught the Guanghua Chinese school Beginner Keyboard class for two years now and has instructed many beginner-intermediate students. In addition, he is well versed in piano performance, having played at countless recitals, including ones held at Carnegie Hall in New York. Some of his other piano achievements include winning first place in the Elite Music Competition, being a finalist in PBS’s Celebration of Music, and performing for charity at JCC. Besides piano, Johnny also plays the clarinet and saxophone. |
Pan, Blair | 布莱尔 潘 | Blair is a 9th grade student at Germantown Academy and has been teaching G3C MeiZhou Chinese level 3 since last year. He has been learning Chinese for 10 years now. Over the past two years, Blair has been teaching new immigrants from China English and local American students Chinese. He also teaches Chinese students SSAT, TOEFL listening classes, younger Chinese children English ages 4-6 years old through Zoom. In the summer of 2019, he went to a Chinese poor village school in Shaanxi and taught 5-6th grade English Classes. Blair has received the first prize in PA of the China Press Chinese Writing Contest for 5 consecutive years. In his free time, he enjoys studying Chinese Literature, practicing piano, playing Golf and Baseball. He graduated from G.H.C.S in 2020 as a valedictorian and is eager to contribute back to the learning community. |
Qi, Chongmin | 齐崇民 | 有30多年高中教学经历, 对第二语言习得和教学积累了丰富的教学经验。 2019年9月开始为费城光华中文学校服务。开始从三年级教授马立平中文教材。 正在逐步摸索一条把母语作为外语传授给ABC孩子们的教学方法。 每个年级都设定了具体的教学目的和任务,让孩子们在完成任务的同时,学习新的语言。让孩子们在学和用之间感受学习第二语言的乐趣。 |
Qi, Hong | 齐虹 | 齐虹:在国内毕业于医学院,在美研读生物统计和流行病学,现就职于制药公司,并兼任我校幼儿舞蹈(5-6岁)班和家长舞蹈班的教师。 齐老师的班级着重于培养学生们对舞蹈的兴趣,挖掘并最大化每一位学生的表演潜能,陶冶学生们对型体美和舞蹈艺术的鉴赏力,以及分享中华文化。十几年来,齐虹老师和她的学生们共同创作了一个又一个令人怀念的精美舞蹈作品。2014年,她同家长舞蹈班的学员们一起表演的现代古典舞《茉莉花》获得了费城地区最佳表演比赛的最佳表演奖。 在诸多中文学校赞助的社区活动中,齐老师发起、组织并参与了中国舞蹈艺术的展示,荣获Merck Sharp & Domhe Federal Credit Union颁发的2013 Community Service Award,并被全美中文学校协会授予2017-2018 Distinguished Teacher Award。 |
QiQi | 齐鸣 | 齐齐老师 香慕芳香舞团团长 国家级健身教练 |
Rodriguez, Jason | I am from South Caroline but live in the suburbs of Philadelphia. I've worked with children and students, and currently, I have the joy of homeschooling my own small learners. I also teach drawing and illustration through private art instruction. For group classes, I work with the Greater Norristown Art League and Main Line School Night. | |
Sheng, Yue | 盛悦 | 盛悦, 盛老师获天普大学电子营销专业硕士学位。已经在光华中文学校教授马立平教材七年多,有丰富的中年级(四、五、六年级)教学经验,寓乐于教,深受孩子们喜欢。 |
Shi, Renwei | 时仁伟 | 自1998年开始在光华中文学校执教,曾带过一至十年级的毕业班。 教过马立平教材,《标准中文》,暨南大学编写的《中文》教材。 |
Tang, Shirley | 唐晓莹 | 本人从小接受中国的中文教育,有优秀的中文基础,精熟于汉语拼音、现代文和部分古文。本人在电子及非电子的报刊、订阅号上均发表过些许中文文章,若有需要,可以作为本人中文水平的佐证。本人2016-2017学年在光华中文学校担任Pre-K 助教。尽管名义上是助教,实则以老师的身份进行教学。本人在一年的教学中收获了很多经验,包括如何和家长建立良好有效的沟通关系、如何培养学生对中文的兴趣并让他们积极参与课题、如何备课、如何和其他老师进行合作,等。本人在担任中文学校助教前也担任过很多学生干部。本人熟悉中国老师对中文的教育方式,会汲取好的部分在课堂中灵活应用。出于上述原因,本人对胜任老师职位有很大的信心。 |
Tang, Yan | 唐彦 | Yan Tang,北方交大财会专业硕士毕业,标准普通话,2019年开始在光华中文学校任职中文教师。 |
Thinkland.ai | Thinkland.AI是一家全国性的专门提供青少年AI编程课程的教育服务提供商,是全美中文学校协会 (CSAUS) 唯一的计算机科学和AI课程提供商,CASUS有遍布全美的几百家会员学校。我们很自豪能够为社区提供服务。人工智能(Artificial Intelligent—AI)正在逐渐进入各个领域,甚至在一些领域已超过人类(见Google人工智能程序Alpha Go)。 未来社会将是人类与AI共存的时代。所以,AI对于孩子们来说是不容错失的技术趋势。Thinkland 专业开发青少年AI系列课程,Scratch AI 和 Python AI,专门针对小学生和初高学生进行机器学习(Machine Learning)深度学习。每个课程都是小班教学,保证教学质量和家长满意。 | |
Tian, Lu | 田露 | 田露老师,北京四中毕业,北大化学学士,罗格斯大学化学博士。本人说话为北方普通话,对中文拼音和语文基础知识有较好的理解和掌握,对人文历史非常感兴趣。自2017年,在光华中文学校教授马力平中文。本人希望通过在光华教授中文,使学生掌握中文的基础知识,使学生对中国文化产生了解和学习的兴趣, 在听说写三方面打下一定的基础。更衷心希望学生们在将来的中美文化交流中,做出应有的贡献。 |
Wan, James | 万 | James Wan is a junior at Central Bucks High School East who enjoys writing. At Guanghua, he was a TA for one year and has been a teacher for a year. He took an online creative writing course for credit from Johns Hopkins University in 2022 for two weeks. He also took two communications courses for credit at Syracuse University in 2023 for six weeks. Additionally, he took journalism courses in 2021 and 2022, giving him firsthand experience of the journalistic process. He volunteered to write 15 articles for the nonprofit organization Dweebs Global, and he is also a staff writer for his school newspaper. He won a New York Times vocabulary video contest and an award for his writing in Skipping Stones Magazine. With his knowledge and experience, he hopes to help students improve their writing skills. |
Wang | Angela | Angela Wang is the vice president for the class of 2024 at Methacton High School. She also has played tennis for 5 years and is on the Methacton girls tennis team. She was trained in both Kinetix for 5 years. She also has played many other sports and run track and field. She likes to stay active while also interacting with kids. Ashley Jin is a rising sophomore at Methacton High School. She has played tennis for five years in both her school team and clinics. In addition, she has been a teacher's assistant at Guanghua since 2018. Besides tennis, Ashley also enjoys coding, baking, piano, painting, and being an active participant in academic decathlon. She is looking forward to getting to know everyone and helping students grow as tennis players |
Wang, Eileen | 王亦琳 | 从六年级开始接触网球,七年级开始跟教练学习,在校队打过多场比赛。热爱网球运动 |
Wang, Eric | 王锐 | Eric Wang is a junior at North Penn High School. Despite his age, he has already self-studied for and taken the SAT, scoring a 1580 out of 1600 with a 780 on the Reading and Writing section. He has individually tutored other students on the SAT. Outside of the SAT, Eric is a voracious reader and an exceptional writer. He has won a scholarship from the Philadelphia Inquirer for writing an exceptional news article. He has also won a regional-level essay contest focusing on Christopher Columbus and American history. He has maintained an online profile on Quora, a large writing platform, for three years; he has over 9,000 followers and 14 million total views. Eric is a club officer in his school’s Model UN and Chinese Cultural Club and is a representative for the Student Government Organization. He is also a pianist who plays both classical and jazz styles and has won awards for his school’s jazz band. Eric loves working hard and being with his friends. |
Wang, Huangxin | 王璜鑫 | Huangxin Wang's Chinese Painting class will introduce the students to the basic skills of Chinese painting of 山水 (“Landscape”) and 花鸟 (“Flowers and Birds”). Students will learn how to use brushes, control ink and colors on rice paper (宣纸), and key elements and styles in Chinese paintings. We will also cover the basics of Chinese calligraphy and poetry, their relationship to Chinese paintings, how to appreciate Chinese art, and introduce some great artists and their works in history. |
Wang, Jing | 王静 | 王静老师毕业于上海师范大学英语系。曾担任过英语老师,获得教师资格证书,教过各年龄段的学生。王老师2013年起在光华中文学校任教,任教十年,曾教过“马立平中文”教材学前班至9年级,针对各年龄段的学生的中文教学有着不同的方法,着重培养学生对中文学习的兴趣,激发学生的学习热情。 |
Wang, Michael | Michael Wang is a student at Central Bucks High School South. At Guanghua, he has been in the Public Speaking Class since 2019. Additionally, he has been the TA for two years and taught for one. In this, he managed class communications, facilitated course management, and engaged other students. He is passionate for others to learn the power of communication and how to use it effectively. With his leadership skills from Senior Patrol Leader for Boy Scouts, he looks to not only teach the students to use their voice, but also to command it | |
Wang, Zhe | 王喆 | 王喆,信息系统硕士,从事IT工作21年,职位包括:软件工程师,技术支持,系统管理,咨询师和项目管理。对语言(包括中文和英文)有浓厚兴趣,热爱读书和写作,相信语言在很大程度上是相通的。希望能够帮助学生学中文,读好书;和孩子们一起写作,一起探讨,一起修改,共同进步。 |
Xu, Chang | 许畅 | 许老师现就读Temple大学Master of Fine Art,主修现代舞和芭蕾,毕业于北京师范大学舞蹈系主修古典舞、民间舞、现代舞、芭蕾等。自幼学习舞蹈二十余年,精通中国古典舞、中国民族民间舞、芭蕾舞、性格舞的舞蹈风格及技术技巧,曾获得湖北省舞蹈联考,第二名;南京师范大学艺考,第一名;首都师范大学,第三名;北京师范大学,第十名。 许老师青少年曾在国内舞蹈教育机构任教多年,并多次获得“桃李杯”金牌指导教师奖以及“青少年艺术节”优秀导师等荣誉,有丰富的教学和带学生比赛并获奖的经验。 对不同年龄段、不同基础的学生,有相对应的教学方法。具有亲和力,责任心强,性格开朗。 |
Xu, Justin | 许家伟 | Xu, Justin/许家伟, Justin is an expert level Chess player aiming at national master level with many major chess tournament winnings, which includes first place in the Liberty Bell Chess Tournament U1250 in Philadelphia at 10 years old, first place in the Cherry Blossom Classic U2100 in Virginia at 13 years old and so on. He enjoys to share his knowledge and experience on Chess with other people. Class: Chess |
Yang, Ting | 杨婷 | 杨婷(Yang,Ting), 毕业于国内师范大学汉语言文学专业,获得教师资格证书,曾从事五年中学语文教学和管理工作。来美后在南康中文学校教过一年《新启蒙汉语》,2018年开始在光华中文学校执教,主要教学《马力平中文》六年级至九年级。教学理念:主张在轻松愉快的课堂氛围中,运用多元素教学方法,激发学生对汉文学和文化的学习兴趣,提高听说读写的实际运用能力。 |
Yao, Dean/Andrew Zhou | 姚庆扬 | 姚庆扬是Germantown Friends School 10年级学生。他从2岁开始踢球,曾经到西班牙和意大利参加足球训练营,目前效力于FC Delco俱乐部,参加美国最顶级的MLS Next足球联赛,是U16球队中场核心。他2020年曾经入选美国国家少年队Mid Atlantic选拔营。姚庆扬的足球视频集锦:https://youtu.be/zAyW0yegmEk |
Young, Katie | 杨苗霖 | Academic Rewards: ~President’s Award for Educational Excellence ~Steve and Mary Beth Young Middle School Biochemistry Award ~Stangl Foundation Chemistry Award ~EPIC Honorable Mention Award |
Zhang, Honggang | 张红钢 | 张红钢, 从事多年广播电视播音和主持工作。近年来,致力于青少年朗诵艺术的培训工作,培养了大批优秀专业人才。 |
Zhang, Ling | 章玲 | 2009年曾在光华担任舞蹈老师,自2014年始,开始担任中文教师。毕业于中国传媒大学编导专业,辅修播音。自2014年开始教中文,以注重与孩子交流,激发孩子的学习兴趣为主。 |
ZHANG, LIYA | Welcome to advanced badminton! My name is Liya Zhang and I will be your teacher for this class. I am an incoming junior at Methacton High School and I have been playing badminton since I was seven years old. I started getting professional training at the New Jersey Badminton Club (NJBC) when I was eight years old and have competed in tournaments all over the East Coast. I was trained by a former Chinese national badminton team member, Qiu Liang, for five years, and trained by World Champion Cheng Hong for two months in China. By the time I was ten years old, I was ranked 7 in Girls’ U11 nationally. This is a course teaching the fundamental skills of badminton. It will include technical skills such as clears, serving, drop shots, lifts, smashes, and drives. Students will also learn the fundamental rules, basic strategies, and court positioning for singles and doubles play. | |
Zhang, Tina | 张庆芳 | Tina Zhang - Certified Strong Nation Instructor & RYT 200-Certified Yoga Teacher. Strong Nation is a total body work out. It combines body weight, muscle conditioning, cardio, and Plyometric training moves synched to original music that has been specifically designed to match every single move. Every squat, every lunge, every burpee is driven by the music to help you make it to that last rep. Challenging your physical and mental limits to become stronger and more fit. This is an all level class. Everyone is welcome. We have three versions of each move (Low, basic and max). This allows the program to work for anyone from beginner and advanced. Join me and let me help you achieve your fitness goals. You will be amazed to see how much you can accomplish. |
Zhang, Xiaobo | 张小波 | 张小波, 张小波老师在国内期间主要从事会计工作,非常注重与相关部门的沟通与协作, 发现问题及时反映及解决,与同事友好相处。 张小波老师对待工作,善解人意,充满爱心,耐心倾听,并非常愿意共同解决问 题,喜欢与小朋友分享知识,看到他们的点点滴滴的进步感到非常有成就感。 张小波老师愿意奉献爱心,为传承中国文化尽自己微薄之力 |
Zhang, Yue | 张月 | 张月老师毕业于复旦大学物理系,喜爱文学,历史,音乐,和中西方文化。曾经在大费城文化中心和光华中文学校主讲过《姜白石的自度曲》,《牡丹亭和昆曲六百年》,以及《中国文化史》系列讲座,包括《人类文明的起源》,《华夏文明的黎明》,《三星堆》, 《殷商文明》,《文字的起源》,《文化轴心时代》,《丝绸之路》,《文化冲突和融合》,《唐诗宋词》,《中国传统音乐》,《明清传奇剧》,《绘画书法雕塑》,《古典园林》,《中国古典小说》,等。 本学年的新课程:《欧洲文艺复兴》系列讲座,内容涵盖《古希腊古罗马文明》,《希伯来文明》,《欧洲的中世纪》,《美第奇家族》,《文艺复兴初期》,《文艺复兴盛期》,《科学的复兴》,《意大利的音乐复兴》,《莎士比亚》,《宗教改革运动》,《文艺复兴的意义》等等。 |
Zhao, Jingzhang | 赵景璋 | 建校早期任Board Member,任教羽毛球班和电子琴班近二十年。 |
Zhou, Andrew | Andy Zhou is a rising junior at Germantown Academy. Andy has played many sports since a very young age and specialized in swimming for a few years. In the season of 2021-2022, he won the Richard L. Pfeifer Award for Most Improved Swimmer and helped his team win the Easterns Combined Team Title and Inter-Ac League Title. Other than swimming, he likes soccer, football and bicycling. At Germantown Academy, Andy is a senator in the school's Student Government. He has participated in various clubs and activities. Andy has been a swimming instructor at Germantown Academy Summer Camp for two years. He is currently a teaching assistant for the class of C6 at Guanghua Chinese School. These experiences have given him confidence to work very well with kids of different ages. Andy looks forward to teaching soccer with Dean Yao in the Fall. | |
Zhou, Jun | 周俊 | 上海第二医科大学毕业,长期担当学生的教学工作。具有极大的责任心、耐心和爱心。熟悉儿童的身心成长规律,喜爱和孩子接触,善于营造温馨宽松的学习氛围。普通话标准 |
Zhou, Lynne | 周琳 | 周琳老师毕业于北京舞蹈学院编导系,现代芭蕾舞编导专业。她既是一个优秀的舞者,也是一个富有创作力的舞蹈编导。曾在中央电视台春节联欢晚会担任舞蹈编导,大型工体晚会的开幕式舞蹈编导,和大中小型晚会中担任舞蹈编导,舞蹈总监的工作。 |