• P1 Chinese Class.jpg
  • P2 Dancing.jpg
  • P3 Math.jpg
  • P4 Dance Yoga small.jpg
  • P5 Art _ Crafts1.jpg
  • P6 basketball poster.jpg
  • P7 Badminton Poster.jpg
  • P8 2D 3D design.jpg
  • P9 chess.jpg
  • P10 He Fen Yoga class small.jpg
  • P11 杨聃-光华素描.jpg
  • P12 posterADC.jpg
  • P13 Performing Art.jpg
  • P14 San guo.jpg

Weekly Briefing: 1. Welcome to the new school year letter; 2. New Classes; 3. Class cancellation;


1. Welcome to the new school year As we finalize preparations for the new school year, growth continues to be part of the GHCS story. As of today, we offer over 120 classes. Around 900 students have registered and total enrollment exceeds 1,400. School will have an open house on Sunday, September 8. All of our school management team members will be at the hallway of Parkhouse Hall to answer your questions and meet your needs.

To help our students and parents start school smoothly, we would like to share the following information: a) Registration: You can switch classes and drop classes freely in the first two weeks. For those who haven’t registered yet, please go to our website to register at your earliest convenience. There are a few classes under 6 students. Cancelation of these classes may be announced in the future newsletter. b) Textbooks: For new kindergarten students, school will distribute textbooks on the first day of school opening. Teachers of the KG classes should ask a parent to collect the textbook fee and pick up the textbooks at the desk of TEXTBOOK at the hallway. If you ordered your textbooks in the Google Form, don’t forget to pick up your textbook. If you have any questions, please contact Weiqin Luan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. c) Tuition payment: Please pay your tuition on time. You may use paypal online to pay it now. If you would like to pay it by check, please write a check and make it payable to GHCS and drop it at the desk of TUITION PAYMENT at the hallway when school is open. Please make sure to put your family ID number on your check before you deliver your payment.

2. New classes Our new semester will start on September 08/2019. Some classes are already full. Please visit our school website (http://guanghuachinese.org/) to register for classes. There are also some new classes you may want to explore as we highlighted as follows;

HIIT - Strong by Zumba Instructor: Tina Zhang (YMCA certified Instructor) Time: 2:15pm to 3:15pm Classroom: TBD Strong By Zumba. 这个秋季请和我一起动起来! Strong By Zumba 高强间歇运动。它是结合了自 身的重量,肌肉调节,有氧运动和冲刺训练动作同步到专门设计的原始音乐并配置到每一个
Guanghua Chinese Association (GHCA) Weekly Newsletter No. 1, August 25, 2019
动作当中。 其中有包括: 搏击,跆拳道,太极元素...等。 整节课是一个小时。 分四个小节, 每一节中间有一分钟的休息。 第四节是核心训练,需要在地上进行会需要瑜伽垫。 但是,不 要被这些文字给吓到,这个课程是为所有健身级别设计的。我会按照你们的自身的健身水平 情况修改动作甚至可以挑战你们的极限!你需要的是: 水,瑜伽垫,毛巾 和 一个积极向上充 满正能量的态度!来吧,Let’s Strong Together. http://www.guanghuachinese.org/joomla3/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&am p;id=58&Itemid=198

Chinese Chess (XiangQi) - 中国象棋 授课老师: 向永兴, 北美象棋联合会纽约象棋总会会员,腾讯天天象棋棋力测评业七水平 (最高业九), 酷爱象棋运动。愿在我们美国华人的孩子中发掘及培养一批中国象棋爱好者 及中国象棋海外传承人,共同探索中国象棋的精彩世界。 Time: 2:15pm to 3:15pm Classroom: 338

Xiangqi (also called Chinese Chess) is a strategy board game for two players. It is the most popular board games in China and an extremely popular game in the Eastern Hemisphere. It is also among the highly-regarded intangible heritage of Chinese tradition and culture. There are many intellectual benefits for children to learn/play Xiangqi: improves creativity and memory, improves logical thinking and problem-solving skills, improves concentration and teaches students planning and foresight. In addition, it helps children’s character building by emphasizing on perseverance and leaning to rise from failure. Mr. Xiang, the teacher for this class will use an interactive style to teach students from understanding the basic techniques to gradually mastering this fun game. Mr. Xiang is a member of New York Xiangqi Association. He is a grade 7 player according to Tecent Xiangqi ranking system and he looks forward to meeting children who loves intellectual games and leading them into this enchanted world of Xiangqi.

3. Class cancellation CES7 is canceled, due to low enrollment. Please switch to other classes as desired.

GHCS Management Team
