• P1 Chinese Class.jpg
  • P2 Dancing.jpg
  • P3 Math.jpg
  • P4 Dance Yoga small.jpg
  • P5 Art _ Crafts1.jpg
  • P6 basketball poster.jpg
  • P7 Badminton Poster.jpg
  • P8 2D 3D design.jpg
  • P9 chess.jpg
  • P10 He Fen Yoga class small.jpg
  • P11 杨聃-光华素描.jpg
  • P12 posterADC.jpg
  • P13 Performing Art.jpg
  • P14 San guo.jpg

Weekly Briefing:

1. School announcement,

2. Class change & Cancellation,

3. 京剧票订购, 4. 文化中心活动,

5. New Teacher Introduction(to be continued),

6. New Classes


1. School announcement,
光华中文学校将于 9 月 8 日迎来开学第一天。学校目前正在进行紧张的开学前前准备,包 括教师培训;新课程和新老师安排和推介等。为了更好搞好教学,教师和教室的安排可能 会有一些变动。敬请老师和家长留意我们的网站更新和下周的 newsletter。光华的管理团队 也迎来了一些新成员。Joyce Li 本学期将不再担任学校的 Treasurer。 Joyce 在中文学校服务 了十多年,也是我们的资深成员了。我们十分感谢她对学校的贡献和多年付出。蔡潮钟将 接任学校的财务主管职位。黄文君将接任注册主管,负责学生注册、学费收缴和退款事 项。张春明因为搬家的原因不能继续服务中文学校。蔡琦将接任家长事务主管的工作。

接 8 月 24 日文化课老师培训后,学校将在 8 月 31 日召开文体老师开学前准备会议,邀请 各位文体老师参加。会议主要内容是新学年应注意事项以及新学年文体主要活动计划,会 议将一个持续一个小时左右。请还没有回复的各位文体老师点击下面的 Google Form 链 接,告知您能否出席会议 ,谢谢。(未参加 8/24教师培训的中文老师,也欢迎参加!) 时间:8月 31日上午 9:30 地点:大费城文化中心(905 Lenmar Drive, Blue Bell, PA 19422) 文体教师培训登记链接: https://forms.gle/4iHF6bepZrUE5f288
2. Class change & Cancellation, a. KGC has been renamed KGB, will be in classroom 339(original KGB has been cancelled); b. Public speech and Debate class has been cancelled, due to low enrollment; c. CES7 has been cancelled, due to low enrollment; d. Change of Table Tennis club(乒乓球俱乐部); 各位球友,光华中文学校新学年将于9/8开始了。学校及华人文化中心的领导团队决 定,对光华乒乓球俱乐部的运行方式做出较大的变动:自2019年9月8日始,至下个学 年开学的前一天,原本每周四、周六在文化中心三楼举办的乒乓球俱乐部活动,改为 每周三天开放(法定节假日除外),即周四、周六19:00至22:00开放,周五20:00至 22:30开放。收费仅为$100/人/年,俱乐部开放时间内可以无限次参加。我们会在三楼 准备一个记录本,请参加活动的球友每次登记一下姓名。不交年费的球友,仍可以采 取每次交$5/人的方式参加活动,请在记录本上登记上姓名,并将$5现金放入收费盒
Guanghua Chinese Association (GHCA) Weekly Newsletter No. 2, September 1, 2019
中,或者交给我或洛刚。俱乐部新的开放时间表,给喜欢这项群众体育活动的爱好者 们提供了极大地方便。光华中文学校的网站(guanghuachinese.org)已经开放了这个俱 乐部的注册,欢迎各位球友积极加入!

3. 京剧票订购; 费城京剧社隆重推出著名京剧传统戏《白蛇传》专场 一场精彩纷呈的国粹盛宴,一场2019年大费城地区唯一的京剧演出,有中英文字幕,$15 一张票,买两张票,送一张票,老年人$10一张票,请带上您的父母,孩子,一起来欣赏 中华国粹 演出时间:10月12日下午2:00 演出地点:Auditorium in Upper Merion Area Middle School, 450 Keebler Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406 订票链接:https://forms.gle/8zpMFHiw4usnGDf99 订票联系人:张向红 (2159083619)

4. 文化中心活动; 文化中心邀您共渡中秋 传统的中秋佳节到来之季,大费城华人文化中心邀请您及家人共渡中秋佳节。本次活动项 目丰富多彩, 有月饼品尝、共赏明月、卡拉OK、跳舞、打牌、打乒乓、打麻将、聊天儿 等等。欢迎大家踊跃参加。 时间: 7:00pm-10:00pm,Saturday, 9/14/2019 地点: 文化中心905 Lenmar Drive, Blue Bell, PA 19422. Fee: free/member, $5/non-member, $10/Family, free/senior(65+) *Fruits, Moon cake and Water will be provided. 报名联接:https://goo.gl/forms/iYeAjteiWhfTTJV23
5. New Teacher Introduction (新老师介绍) to be continued, 张红钢, 毕业于北京师范学院中文系,主任编辑。历任重庆北碚电视台主持人、记者、编 导、新闻中心副主任、总编室主任、办公室主任。从事新闻工作 30余年。在北碚电视 台,先后组织创办了具有全市影响力的《法庭内外》、《家住北碚》,《新闻视线》等 品牌栏目。并在 20余个电视栏目中担任主持人。多部主持作品获市级以上奖项。在此 期间,担任全区重大活动的主持达 200余场。 近年来,发挥自身优势,致力于青少年 的播音主持、普通话推广工作。曾授聘担任西南大学播音主持专业客座教授,培养了大 量播音主持人才。这其中,有不少学生在全国、全市专业比赛中获奖。张老师将担任 Poetry Recitation(1-2pm); G3A(2-4pm) ;光华朗诵俱乐部(Recitation Club, 4-5pm)的老 师。

Sam Xu graduated from Carnegie Mellon in May 2017 with a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His work experience includes projects using Python, HTML, CSS, and Django. Sam has participated in coding competitions on Codeforces, and has solved coding problems on Codeforces and Project Euler in his spare time. He enjoys designing and creating games, and has written and published a Java game called Warped Continuity. He will bring in new classes as “Fundamentals of Programming” and an interesting new class “Pokemon Battling”.

6. New Classes, Our new semester will start on September 08/2019. Please visit our school website (http://guanghuachinese.org/) to register for classes. There are also some new classes you may want to explore as we highlighted as follows; a. Fundamentals of Programming Requirements: Pre-Algebra Teacher: Sam Xu Class Description: Fundamentals of Programming teaches basic programming in Python 3. Topics covered include functions, conditionals, loops, strings, lists, and animation. This class is designed to teach people with no prior programming experience. It is recommended for students to bring their laptops to class. Teacher's Brief Description: Sam Xu graduated from Carnegie Mellon in May 2017 with a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His work experience includes projects using Python, HTML, CSS, and Django. Sam has participated in coding competitions on Codeforces, and has solved coding problems on Codeforces and Project Euler in his spare time. He enjoys designing and creating games, and has written and published a Java game called Warped Continuity.

b. Pokemon Battling (Only laptop and internet browser required) Requirements: None Class Description: The class uses the website Pokemon Showdown, which features the ability to play Pokemon battles with other people online. Pokemon is a famous media franchise consisting of a TV series, video games, and movies. Pokemon battling consist of turn-based strategy where you try to make all of your opponent's Pokemon faint before you do. It surprisingly contains a lot of depth and strategy for how cartoon-like the Pokemon look. It is similar to chess in some ways, except that every turn, both players make their moves simultaneously, and players will want to make the best move possible given what move they think their opponent will make and the moves they think he/she might be considering. Teacher's Brief Description: Sam Xu graduated from Carnegie Mellon in May 2017 with a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His work experience includes projects using Python, HTML, CSS, and Django. Sam has been playing Pokemon battles online since 2011, and has placed 7th/464 entrants in the Smogon 2019 OU Spring Seasonal, a Pokemon Showdown tournament.

c. HIIT - Strong by Zumba Instructor: Tina Zhang (YMCA certified Instructor) Time: 2pm to 3pm(time changed) Classroom: HSC2907 Class Description: 这个秋季请和我一起动起来! Strong By Zumba 高强间歇运动。它是 结合了自身的重量,肌肉调节,有氧运动和冲刺训练动作同步到专门设计的原始音乐 并配置到每一个动作当中。 其中有包括: 搏击,跆拳道,太极元素...等。 整节课是一 个小时。 分四个小节, 每一节中间有一分钟的休息。 第四节是核心训练,需要在地 上进行会需要瑜伽垫。 但是,不要被这些文字给吓到,这个课程是为所有健身级别设
计的。我会按照你们的自身的健身水平情况修改动作甚至可以挑战你们的极限!你需 要的是: 水,瑜伽垫,毛巾 和 一个积极向上充满正能量的态度!来吧,Let’s Strong Together.

d. Recitation Club 光华朗诵俱乐部 Teacher: Zhang Honggang(张红钢老师) Time: 4pm to 4: 50pm

GHCS Management Team
