Guanghua Chinese Association (GHCA) weekly newsletter No.27, March 17, 2019

Weekly briefing: 
1.  G5B本周继续在112教室上课;
2.  白描课开课通知;
3.  Guanghua Chinese School Summer Program Early Bird Registration deadline is March 17, 2019;
4.  Panda Reserve Volunteering Summer Camp Info;
5.  Summer Program in China: 国学夏令营-古都北京研学之旅;
6.  ACCEL open house information;
7.  Chinese Talent Show 2019;
8.  Upcoming Seminars
1.  G5B本周教室继续在112教室上课
G5B的120教室因为维修的关系,本周日(3/17日)还无法使用, 本周继续在112教室上课。请家长和学生相互转告。
2.  白描课开课通知;
白描课将于本周日(3/17)下午2:15 – 3:30pm在大费城文化中心正式开课,
地点: 905 Lenmar Dr, Blue Bell, PA, 19422
该课程由青年艺术家郭楚夕 老师执教。郭楚夕老师原央美雕塑系,现研究生毕业于马里兰艺术学院。现在还可以继续注册,注册请登录:
3.  Guanghua Chinese School Summer Program Early Bird Registration deadline is March 17, 2019;
If you are interested in the program and would like to send your kids to our program, please do your registration by this Sunday, March 17. You may use this link for online registration. You may contact Xianghong (Shauna) Zhang (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for any questions. Xianghong will be outside of school office(#345 room) to answer questions and accept registration.
4.  Panda Reserve Volunteering Summer Camp Info
Registration has already started. Multiple discounts are applicable. The early bird registration deadline is March 17, 2019. Also, the camp organizer will hold an open forum this Sunday(March 17). You are welcomed to join this event. 中美国际将于本周日,3月17日举行关于6月18日去中国的“大熊猫志愿者夏令营”讲座,欢迎大家参加
Time: 2:10 – 4:00pm
Place: #344 Classroom
5.  Summer Program in China: 国学夏令营-古都北京研学之旅
由北京四中网校主办,时间:6/24 - 7/14,内容:国学,数学,书画,武术,民族舞,扎染,茶艺等等,费用:¥6900/人。You may contact Xianghong Zhang (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for details and registration.
6.  ACCEL open house info;
ACCEL will hold an open house on March 31, 2019. Guanghua Students will get additional 10% discount if you register through Guanghua Chinese School. For questions and registration, please contact Xianghong Zhang(Shauna Zhang) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for details.
Time: 2:30 – 4:00pm
Place: #344 Classroom
7.  Chinese Talent Show 2019;
The first Talent show of Guanghua Chinese School will be held at MCCC auditorium on 5:30-7:30pm, Sunday, May 12, 2019.
•  All students, teachers, TAs in Chinese School are eligible to perform;
•  To keep the total show time to less than 1.5 hours, all the performance within 3 minute maximum length. Thank you for understanding and cooperation.
•  You may use the following link to register your program before April 14, 2019, later entry will not be accepted.
•  Music/video/background images need to be sent to Wei Wang (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by April 21, 2019, so they will be ready by show time.
8.  Upcoming Seminars;
1)  Seminar Topic: 川普新税法及应对策略
a.  川普税改第一年,有什么具体变化?
b.  如何填报新增的Schedule 1,2,3,4,5,6?
c.  什么情况下填 Schedule A,B,C,D,E?
d.  将来的税率走向如何?
e.  房地产投资和股票投资省税有哪些窍门?
f.  大学的学费真的比工资增长的快吗?
g.  你想什么时候退休? 退休后就一定少交税吗? 退休资源从哪来?
h.  如何解决长期护理问题?养儿真的防老吗?
讲员毕业于康奈尔大学,从事金融行业近十年,有丰富的经验。帮助过很多家庭拿到financial Aid, 省税计划,规避风险,等等。她将给您分享,优化家庭报税策略,越早规划,受益越多!
Date: 3/31/2019 周日 2-4pm
Address: 光华中文学校 344 教室
GHCS Management Team