• P1 Chinese Class.jpg
  • P2 Dancing.jpg
  • P3 Math.jpg
  • P4 Dance Yoga small.jpg
  • P5 Art _ Crafts1.jpg
  • P6 basketball poster.jpg
  • P7 Badminton Poster.jpg
  • P8 2D 3D design.jpg
  • P9 chess.jpg
  • P10 He Fen Yoga class small.jpg
  • P11 杨聃-光华素描.jpg
  • P12 posterADC.jpg
  • P13 Performing Art.jpg
  • P14 San guo.jpg

Weekly Briefing:

  1. National Anthems Competition is on this Sunday April 29
  2. The early registration for the 2018-2019 school year starts on April 29
  3. Field Game on May 6 if the weather is cooperative
  4. Summer program registration and No School Day on May 15 registration
  5. Certificates exchanging trophies starts
  6. News from Accel, discount for Guanghua has extended  
  7. Visa services: This Sunday US International will be in 3:00-4:00pm at Room 317





1. National Anthems Competition Committee will go around this Sunday. Teachers in the Chinese Classes should bring the students together at the designated classroom according to the schedule.

2. The EARLY Registration for next school year will start this Sunday April 29. Some changes:

1)No priority early registration: all the students will start register on April 29. If students would like to stay the current classes, you must register online sooner before the classes slots are taken.

2) Early registration is ended by June 10, the last day of this school year. Please take the advantage of the early registration. $10 registration fee will be waived if you register before June 10. After that day, you must pay the registration fee no matter you’re current students or freshmen.

3) What is new for the 2018-2019 school year? We have sent out the information yesterday. Please review it carefully before you register.

  • Chinese classes open on Friday night at the Cultural Center
  • We added new textbook—Meizhou Huayu from G3-G7 as the parents requested. We will open these classes in fall if there are enough students register.
  • Revised Curriculum for the 2018-2019 school is attached.

3. The field game is on May 6, 2018 (Sorry for the date mistake in the last newsletter).

  1. The aim of the Field Game is for fun, sunshine & fresh air, team-work spirit
  2. Time: Sunday May 6, @1pm – 4:30pm
  3. Games: 拔河   / tug-of-war; 障碍接力  / steeplechase relay; 绑腿跑  / Three-legged race; 袋鼠跳   / kangaroo Jump
  4. Other activities   fund-raising activities including Bakery Sale
  5. Competition divided 7 groups

            i.    Group 1: KGA, KGB, KGC and CES1+CES2

            ii.    Group 2: G1A, G1B and G1C

            iii.    Group 3: G2A, G2+CES3 and G2C

            iv.    Group 4: G3A, G3B+CES5 and G3C

            v.    Group 5 G4A, G4B, G5A and G5B

            vi.    Group 6: G6A, G6C, and CES9

            vii.    Group 7: G7A+G7B, G7C, G8A, and G8B

6. 活动安排:

12:30  裁判/Volunteer到主席台签到/领取器材                      

1:00   各班到指定地点集合                 

1:15   各班按广播顺序入场,奏中美两国国歌。校长宣布运动会开始

1:30  比赛开始

2:30   中场休息(以广播宣布为准)各班家长可自由结合举行拔河比赛

3:00   比赛开始(以广播宣布为准)               

3:45   各班到指定地点集合(以广播宣布为准)             

4:00   全校团体总分冠军、亚军和季军班级领奖杯,合影留念,

4:10   校长宣布运动会闭幕

4. Summer program: Guanghua Chinese School Summer Program fills fast. If you are interested and have not done the registration, you may go to our website www.gpc3.org/summer to fill out the registration form.

We offered themed summer program. It includes Chinese Cultural Week, Field trip week, Qian Ban Ming Shi Tuan week, Drawing Week, Robotic for beginner (Full); Pingpong Week, Album Making, Chess, Computer Coding, Chinese Story Week, etc. it is for all different age group from 4.5 years old to 17 years old. And much better, Tuition free for selected weeks.  Recently, we added a new SAT Prep class (Math and Reading and Writing) for 5-7 grade to prepare SAT test for some challenged selective summer program enrollment. The deadline for the registration is June 10th, 2018. Check it out for detail info, you may contact Xianghong (Shauna) Zhang at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

5. The Graduation and Award Ceremony is on June 10. School will start to collect the certificates. If you have enough certificates to exchange trophies, please compile the certificates and put the child’s name, class, and phone number on a piece of paper, send it to the class teacher or deliver to the school office by May 13. Here is exchange rules:

1). Excelllent Student Trophy: if you have collected 5 (3 for KG, G1, G2) of award certificates, you may turn them into school to exchange a trophy. The award certificates include excellent student, full attendance, most progress, speech contest, Chinese cultural competition participation, Chinese characters spelling Bee.

2). Good Writer Trophy: if you collected 5 Little Writer certificates, you may turn them into school to exchange a trophy.

3). Community Service Trophy: if you collect 5 community service certificates, you may turn them into school to exchange a Trophy.

When you turn in the certificates, please indicate student’s current grade, Chinese name and English name.

 You may contact to Xianghong Zhang if you have questions.

6. Great news. ACCEL will be at school site to accept registration and answer questions. The time is 2:30-4:30, this Sunday.

Congratulations, Frederick Qiu for 1600 perfect score for SAT Test who did took the Accel Prep SAT class last year.

Accel has extended a favorite rate of their Summer program to our Guanghua students.  GHCS families ONLY receive 10% off Early registration and 10% off Special Discount. If you are interested, please come to the school office Room 345 ask Xianghong Zhang for registration. Also, a staff from Accel will be at our Cultural Center on every Tuesday night between 7-9pm to consult. If you have any questions, so stop by.

Semester 1: 6/20-7/18

Semester 2: 7/23-8/17

Free Testing & Essay Classes :  8/20-8/24

Advertisement from Accel: Looking for part time administrative assistant. On Sunday 1-4pm at GuangHua school. Training provided. Must be fluent in Chines and English. Call 215-635-5780.

7. Visa services: 中美国际 (US International)will be in our school on April 15@2:30-3:30pm at Room 317 for visa services.


GHCS Management Team
